Botrytis - a common fungicide for vegetables, effective against tomato and pepper viral diseases and epidemics



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Other names

Main dosage form

5%, 6.5% water, 5%, 20% wettable powder.

Toxicity Low toxicity.

Mechanism of action

Bacteriocin is a glycine fungicide, virucide, with certain endosorption and penetration, it has strong inhibition on the growth of mycelium and spore germination of the pathogen. The bactericidal mechanism is to coagulate the germ protein, destroy the cell membrane of the germ, denature the enzyme system of the germ, so as to kill the germ (virus), which can be used to prevent and control some virus diseases.

Characteristics of the product

(1) Bacteriophage Clear Water Agent is light yellow transparent liquid, it has strong killing effect on many kinds of pathogenic microorganisms, it can be used to prevent and control many kinds of diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses, such as used to prevent and control viral diseases and wilt disease of tomatoes and melons, etc. It is often used to prevent and control many kinds of miscellaneous fungi in the growing environment of mushroom in edible fungi.

(2) No residue, no pollution to the environment, non-toxic to humans and animals. The product has no interactive resistance with the current commonly used agents, and is effective in the prevention and treatment of virus diseases and epidemics of tomatoes and peppers.

(3) It can be mixed and blended with Fenitrothion and Morpholine Guanidine Hydrochloride to produce compound fungicides.


Mycotoxin has a wide range of disease control, controlling both fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as virus-like diseases. It can be sprayed, applied and used for root irrigation.

For the control of ubuntu virus disease, sprouting mustard virus disease, kale mosaic disease, radish mosaic virus disease, broccoli virus disease, purple kale virus disease, tomato virus disease, pepper virus disease, tomato spotted wilt virus disease, tomato curculio-topped virus disease, eggplant spotted wilt virus disease, hot (sweet) pepper mosaic disease, eggplant stem rot, etc., spray or irrigate the roots with 5% bacteriophage in water at 200~300 times solution.

Prevention and control of spicy (sweet) pepper, tomato, eggplant, cucumber, beans, celery and other vegetables virus disease, in the early stage of the onset of the disease that is, before planting, planting, planting and slowing down the seedlings after spraying once, with 5% bacteriophage clear water agent 200-300 times liquid spray, and then depending on the condition of the disease and then sprayed 1~2 times.

Prevention and control of virus disease of pumpkin, with 5% bacteriophage clear water agent 400 times liquid spray.

Prevention and control of zucchini leaf disease, virus disease, with 5% bacteriophage water 500 times liquid spray.

Prevention and control of cucumber, cabbage downy mildew and other diseases, with 5% bacteriophage clear water agent 200 to 400 times dilution, foliar spray in the early stage of the disease, spray every 7 to 10 days, sprayed 2 to 3 times, must be in the disease has just begun to show symptoms of the disease, immediately foliar spraying, otherwise the efficacy of the drug is significantly reduced.

Prevention and control of tomato, melon wilt, available 5% bacterial poison clear water agent 200-300 times liquid irrigation, control of tomato wilt, generally applied 2 times, the first application can be done in the plant planting planting water, the second can be one month after planting irrigation, 60-80 kg per mu of liquid, 250 ml of liquid per plant irrigation.

Preventing and controlling eggplant stem rot, use 5% bacteriophage clear water agent 500 times liquid irrigation.

Prevention of eggplant yellow wilt, from the door of the eggplant seems to be egg-sized hours to start irrigation (watering the roots), generally with 5% bacterial poison clear water agent 100-200 times, or 20% bacterial poison clear wettable powder 500-700 times liquid watering, watering liquid 200-250 ml of medicine per plant. Every 10~15 days irrigation, even irrigation 2~3 times.

Prevention and control of cucumber, watermelon, melon and other melon vegetables wilt disease, can be planted 1 ~ 1.5 months after the beginning of irrigation (irrigation of the roots), generally with 5% bacteriophage clear water 100 ~ 200 times liquid, or 20% bacteriophage clear wettable powder 500 ~ 700 times liquid watering, watering liquid 200 ~ 250 ml per plant. Every 10~15 days irrigation, even irrigation 2~3 times.

To prevent and control brown rot and brown spot disease of edible fungus, use 5% bacteriophage clear water agent 200~300 times liquid dilution, before and after covering mushroom beds with soil to carry out surface uniform spray disinfection 2 times. 


No. 2, Bianhe Road, Bianhe Town, Linzi District, Zibo,Shandong,China.


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